Madeline Symonds Middle School

School Assessment

The Halifax Regional Center for Education is committed to supporting the learning needs of all students and to ensuring their ongoing achievement and success. The Halifax Regional School Board is committed to ensuring that as a school system and as individual schools, we continuously work towards developing and improving upon strategies designed to meet the needs of our students.

Out of the Effective Schools research come two principles which guide our efforts – all students can learn and all schools can improve. Based on these guiding principles, it is our goal that “in the next five years, the Halifax Regional School Board will be the most improved school board in Canada in terms of measurable standards of student achievement.”

To achieve this goal, all schools are involved with "Student Success Plans”. This process  requires school communities to respond to three key questions: How are our students doing? How do we know? What do we need to do now? To respond to these questions, schools are involved in an evidence-based approach to decision making. This year our school staff is involved in the analysis of data relevant to student achievement, student success, school strengths and needs, which will lead to the development of new goals in the area of math and literacy.  Analysis of the data will engage school leaders, school staff, parents and our School Advisory Council in identifying strengths and celebrating successes, identifying needs and establishing priorities and goals for the future. This process is ongoing,  Schools will implement plans, monitored,  reviewed and revised as necessary.